DIS Tiko Online Registration

Child's details


Mother's details

Father's details

Guidance's details

EMERGENCY DETAILS In case we cannot reach either parent in an emergency, please give the following information about an emergency contact, for example a grandparent – it must not be a parent. Your emergency contact person MUST be based in Tiko, close enough to school if possible should we be unable to contact you.

Emmergency details

If someone other than a parent, will have responsibility for bringing or collecting the child, please complete the following: In the event that the person changes, notify the school in writing.
If someone other than a parent, will have responsibility for bringing or collecting the child, please complete the following: In the event that the person changes, notify the school in writing.

Health information

Please provide us with any medical information (e.g. allergies, vaccinations, copies of cards should be included on file etc) and details of any long-term medication (e.g. asthmatic inhalers etc)
Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 10 files

Doctor's details

Please provide us with any medical information (e.g. allergies, vaccinations, copies of cards should be included on file etc) and details of any long-term medication (e.g. asthmatic inhalers etc)
Please complete this if you do not want your child to be taken to Tiko Health Centre in case of an emergency.

Enrollment ageement

Fees Payment Option


Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files
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